Designer's Products

Yann Kersalé

Yann Kersalé uses light as other people fashion the earth. Choosing shadow and the night as his preferred backdrops, his luminous designs for over one hundred in-situ projects are expeditions in light as well as full-blown artistic events. Working closely with the major architects of this century, he has illuminated projects by Helmut Jahn (Bangkok Airport, Sony Center in Berlin), created the pulsing red of the Opéra de Lyon’s glass roof, and with Gilles Clément and Jean Nouvel designed the lighting for the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris. He teamed up again with Jean Nouvel for the Agbar Tower in Barcelona, the Louvre in Abu Dhabi and the Philharmonic in Paris. From Nantes to the shipping zone of Saint-Nazaire, Yann Kersalé has also created luminous stories, narrative epics on the soul and memory of cities. Between his lighting projects all around the world, Yann Kersalé has created an exclusive design for Baccarat, “Jallum”. Joining the legacy of new lighting-objects with inventive scansion and design, the Jallum lamp looks like a wand of light, which, inside or outdoors, captures the shadows and incandescence of his poetry.