Claudio Bellini

Claudio Bellini lives and works in Milan where he was born in 1963. In 1990 he graduated in Architecture and Industrial Design from Milan Polytechnic and began an extensive period of international work by taking part in research projects in the fields of architecture, industrial design and furniture design. In 1988 he designed the TW Collection for Frezza, a product that has not become dated and which marked his official recognition as a specialised designer in the office design world, a sector in which he has already won many awards. During the next few years he set up a number of different collaborations with major figures in Italian and International design as well as providing the interior designs for important showrooms and participating in various architecture competitions. In 2006 he founded "Claudio Bellini Design + Design", a design studio specialised in formal and technological research with a highly experimental vocation which revolved around the studio's prototyping lab. Genoa Polytechnic invited him to hold the Design and Furnishing Accessory course. In 2003 he was appointed art director for Barazzoni. The Claudio Bellini studio is currently engaged in the completion of important international design projects.

 The awards received include: Compasso d’Oro Selection (1998-2000-2001-2004-2005-2006-2008) Design Preis (2006) Good Design (Usa, 1998-2000-2004) Good Design (Japan, 2001) Goed Industrieel Ontwerp (1996-1998-2001) Red Dot Design Award(2000-2001-2004-2009) Design Plus Award (2000) Biennale Ljubljana (2002) Idea (1998) Best of NeoCon Award (2001) I.D. Magazine (1998-2001) Lights of the Future (2000) IF Design Award (2004-2007-2010) Focus Energy Silber (2006)